
Notes to myself.

  • If someone hurts your feelings or disappoints you, choose to forgive them instead of getting angry.
  • If things don't work out your way, trust that Allah SWT is in control and that what He does will be better than what you had planned.
  • When a problem arises, believe the best instead of the worst.
  • Don't waste your energy worrying because it doesn't do any good.
  • Don't buy more than you can comfortably pay for.
  • Be your unique self and never compare yourself with anyone else.
  • When your sin against Allah, repent, receive your forgiveness and don't waste time feeling guilty.
  • When someone doesn't like you, pray for them. The real problem may be that they don't like themselves.
  • If your schedule is overcrowded, then change it!
  • If you're tired all the time, then get more rest.